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Looking for financial services in Auckland? Trust the experience of Moneykart

Practice & Experience

Back in 2009 our founder Rajesh Krishnamurthy who has had a very successful International career as a Senior Sales & Marketing and management professional observed a general lack of financial literacy in New Zealand. He saw an opportunity to provide a personalised financial advisory service and so he started an Auckland-based financial services firm offering mortgages and insurance for mortgages, house, and contents to ordinary New Zealanders and their families.


That small endeavour has progressively evolved and what you see and   experience today at Moneykart.


Over the years we have handled a wide variety of cases, from the simple straightforward deals to highly complex ones.Our experience and expertise is reflected in our high approval rates which mean a good outcome for our clients.If there's a solution available, we will find it for you.

Our Logo story

The Name Moneykart denotes the “one stop shop” nature of our services. Once a client comes to us for his financial needs, he need not go anywhere else. We handle everything for him. Moneykart is like the shopping cart at the supermarket where you can put what you need into the same cart.


The Logo is a stylised version of the alphabet M. The Green swathes of the M depict the roof profile of most homes in New Zealand. The M also stands for Mountains; the Southern Alps being the most famous of several popular mountains in New Zealand. The M also represents the financial journey that a client has to undertake in their lives in order to achieve their financial goals with guidance from Moneykart.


The Colour Green of the logo signifies Money which is Green in Colour. The Green Colour  also represents Calmness, Balance, Growth, Vitality, Reliability, Practical, Nurturing, Loyal, Adaptable, Harmony, Freshness, Safety, Fertility, Environment, Finance, Ambition, Endurance.


The Yellow colour in the middle of the M stands for Sunrise signifying the "Dawn" in your financial life and the upward arrow signifies Growth.


The Tagline Simplifying Finance aims to convey that at Moneykart with our expertise, we make understanding finance very easy for everyone , be it a layman or someone who knows finance. 

Experienced Advisors

We begin by listening to understand your unique situation and needs. Once we understand your needs, our team of advisers use their considerable experience working with major banks in NZ  to put together your loan application. This professional approach increases the chance of success of your application. Our advisers We will provide you with relevant information on all options available for you. Be it
about interest rates, types of loans, lenders etc. We will then recommend the best solution based on your current situation that is most appropriate for your present needs.


Ability to Stay
One Step Ahead

At Moneykart we place a lot of importance on Continuous Professional Development. This ensures that our team constantly updates their knowledge on the current status of the industry.

We have access to some of New Zealand’s most reputed lenders. This enables our advisers to offer the widest choice and the best home loan options to suit your individual needs.

Our suite of lenders include the main banks and the small banks. We also have several bank alternative lenders whom we work with in order to be able to provide you with a range of options.

All this helps you stay one step ahead.

Knowledge That Can Serve Your Needs

Over the years we have handled a wide variety of cases, from the simple straightforward deals to highly complex ones.

Our experience and expertise is reflected in our high approval rates which mean a good outcome for our clients time after time.

If there's a solution available, we will find it for you.

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